5 Reasons to Choose EvenioThree Tips On How to Make Your Wedding Guests Comfortable

I want to start this post by assuring you, your wedding is all about you. Without the two of you, there would be no wedding day for your friends and family to be invited to. But as important as it is for you to enjoy your wedding day and feel comfortable throughout it, your day will be made even more special when your wedding guests feel comfortable too. That’s the whole reason why you’re having a wedding with guests rather than eloping.

But it has to be said, not every wedding is as enjoyable as it should be. I’m sure we’ve all attended a wedding that we didn’t enjoy perhaps as much as the newlyweds hoped we would. And that’s not to say it wasn’t a special day for the couple getting married, it just means that some important things that make a wedding day enjoyable for the guests too, were overlooked.

Great news – that’s not happening on my watch! And it won’t happen at your wedding either because in this post I’m sharing some ideas for how to help your wedding guests to feel comfortable at during your special day.

Consider the weather

When it comes to wedding guest comfort, this is the most considerate thing you can do for them. 

On your wedding day you’ll be moving about and having your every need catered to (if you’re an Evenio couple I guarantee this!). But your guests, well there will be a lot of standing around for them. Because we love outdoor weddings here in Australia, your guests may be outside for some, if not all, of your wedding. Of course they’re happy to do this because they want to celebrate with you. But cast your mind back to any wedding you’ve been to and you’ll know what I mean when I say it’s a long day on your feet and even longer if it’s raining, windy, or hot and steamy.

When planning your day, think about how to protect your guests from the elements, whatever they may be. Do your research into possible climate changes for the time of year when you’re holding your wedding and talk to your venue. Your venue is a good source of information about what weather extremes or changes can mean for their location and they may have tips for things you can do to make your layout weather friendly.

And importantly, always have a wet or bad weather backup plan in case of a change in the weather.

Incorporate thoughtful touches

A wedding consists of countless details, from signage to napkins to bonbonniere. When you’re choosing these elements take some extra time to consider what you can incorporate that will enhance the overall experience of being a guest at your wedding – thoughtful touches that will make your wedding guests comfortable.

Think about the ooh and aah factor!

Here’s a simple example to illustrate what I mean. If your wedding is happening in a warm climate and you’re considering what favour to offer as a thank you to your guests, a lovely fan would be a much more thoughtful choice than a chocolate that will melt on the table before they even sit down to dinner.

Thongs by the dance floor for anyone who wants to kick off their uncomfortable shoes, blankets in baskets scattered around the room for when the night turns chilly, or sunscreen and insect repellent, are all thoughtful touches.

One of my must-haves for summer weddings is a water station at the outdoor ceremony. This is essential as guests are often standing in the sun for up to an hour prior to proceedings kicking off because they didn’t want to turn up late. For winter weddings it’s a stash of throws or blankets which can be wrapped around shoulders or put over knees to compensate for the many gorgeous cocktail dresses that will be worn by guests at your wedding. And if it’s possible at the venue, somewhere to toast a marshmallow is a lovely touch.

Consider guest seating

One of the nicest things you can do for your guests is offer them somewhere comfortable to sit.

Whilst your guests are likely to mingle and dance at your reception, they also deserve a comfortable seat. Think of it this way, by the time your reception starts they’ve probably been on their feet for a good two to three hours, possibly more. Your guests will appreciate being able to rest, which means a comfortable seat to sit in with ample space around it. 

I know from experience that guests don’t enjoy feeling crowded at a table. To avoid this, ensure there is enough space both between and behind their dining chair. Your guest should be able to push their chair back without ending up in the lap of the guest behind them and they should be able to eat their dinner without being concerned about constantly bumping elbows with their fellow guests.

Give your guests room and they’ll be happy!

Considering the weather, incorporating thoughtful touches and being mindful of your guest’s seating are three of the main ways you can ensure that your wedding guests will be comfortable. For more helpful ideas for your wedding day, contact me for a chat.

Photography: Duncan Kerridge

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